Together, We Can!
Build a world where
all children are safe and welcomed at birth
Our Goal
Refocus the Pro-Life Movement towards Liberty Solutions and Bring a Pro-Life Consciousness to the Libertarian Party.
We believe that the Libertarian ideal of non-aggression requires a consistent pro-life stance by the Libertarian Party. Science proves that the pre-born have distinct DNA, feel pain, and are human persons. Therefore, they possess the right of self-ownership and should be protected in law from the moment of conception, as the purpose of Government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.
What we do
We encourage Libertarians to get involved and influence the pro-life movement whether to support Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Adoption alternatives, participate in marches and events, or lobby legislators to introduce pro-life measures. We encourage pro-lifers to adopt a seamless ethic of liberty and join the Libertarian Party.
Support us to help save lives and change the culture to respect life and liberty for all!